Hypertension medicine from star fruit that has many Benefits

                  Star Fruit:Pixabay

Hypertension medicine from star fruit that has many benefits

Rp_News88..Carambola, better known as (star fruit), is an exotic tropical fruit that traditionally thrives in Southeast Asia.

Today, this fruit is available in most parts of the world because it is not only exported, but also grown in other regions.

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The flesh also has a yellow color although it can vary widely from dark to light. The surface of the fruit is not smooth, but has an elongated lobe or protrusion. 

Due to this protrusion, when sliced ​​crosswise the fruit produces a clear star-shaped slice. The crunchy and juicy fruit is very popular in Southeast Asia, where it is traditionally grown.

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Fruits usually contain about 10 to 12 seeds, which are also edible. Depending on the variety of star fruit or star fruit, the flesh may be sweet or bitter, but both varieties are widely consumed.

The fruit has a crunchy and crunchy texture which adds to its appeal. According to most experts, the best quality fruit is the fruit that is allowed to ripen on the tree. 

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While the fruit begins to turn green, it becomes a distinctive yellow when ripe. Like most other fruits, star fruit does offer a number of health benefits. These include lowering high blood pressure or hypertension.

A study that appeared in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine describes the use of star fruit for people with hypertension and heart can also help because some natural health experts suggest that star fruit has a cholesterol-lowering effect.

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Starfruit can not only be consumed raw, but can also be used in various dishes.

These fruit slices can be used to garnish a variety of foods and can be added to salsas, sauces, salads, pickles, and chutneys.

We can even use the slices on a skewer with cottage cheese, shrimp or chicken.

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Here is a recipe that we can use to include this fruit in our diet

Starfruit Salad Ingredients: 

1 Starfruit (seeds and slices)

 1 Orange (peeled and diced)

 1 Apple (sliced)

Lime juice (1 lime) Simply mix all fruit with lime juice and serve cold. 

We can even add or replace some fruit, depending on personal preference. 

Bananas and pineapples are popular additions to this salad mix.

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