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How to Reduce High Fever Fast Based on Age
Rp_News88..Fever is a form of reaction that occurs when the body helps fight the virus that attacks it.
Fever is characterized by an increase in high body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius which is felt by almost everyone, from infants to adults.
Not only an increase in temperature, fever is also followed by several symptoms, such as chills, muscle aches, to a weak body.
However, the symptoms and causes of fever are quite varied.
Symptoms of Fever
Reporting from Medical News Today, symptoms of fever are often marked by an increase in body temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius.
However, this body temperature will fluctuate naturally throughout the day according to physical activity.
A low-grade fever occurs when a person's body temperature reaches 37.8 to 39 degrees Celsius.
While a high fever occurs when a person's body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.
In addition to a higher body temperature, a person with a fever may also experience several symptoms, including:
- Sweating
- Cold feeling
- Headache
- Muscle ache
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Feeling tired and lethargic.
Very high fever can sometimes also cause seizures. It often occurs in children between the ages of 6 months 5 years.
Causes of Fever
According to Mayo Clinic, fever can be caused by various factors. Fevers below 40 degrees Celsius associated with common viral infections, such as the flu, can help the immune system fight disease and are generally harmless.
However, a fever or elevated body temperature may be caused by:
- viral infection
- Bacterial infection
- Tired of hot weather
- Certain inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis – inflammation of the lining of the joints (synovium)
- Cancerous (malignant) tumors
Reactions to some medications, such as antibiotics and drugs used to treat high blood pressure or seizures
Post-immunization, such as diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP), pneumococcal, or Covid-19 vaccines.
How to Reduce Fever
How to reduce high fever quickly can be done according to age categories, ranging from infants, children, to adults.
Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, here are ways to reduce high fever according to age.
1. How to Reduce Fever in Babies Aged 0-3 Months
- How to reduce fever in babies aged 0-3 months with a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is as follows:
- Give comfortable clothes
- Check the baby's body temperature regularly with a thermometer
- Make sure the fluid needs are met by giving breast milk or formula milk
- Keep the room temperature ideally 20-22 degrees Celsius
- If the body temperature does not gradually drop, contact your doctor immediately to get the right medication prescription.
2. How to Reduce Fever in Babies Aged 3-6 Months
Reducing fever with a temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius in infants aged 3-6 months can be done by:
- Wear comfortable clothes
- Check body temperature regularly
- Meet the needs of fluids such as breast milk, formula milk, water
- Invite to rest
- If the body temperature does not go down quickly and the body is increasingly lethargic, contact a doctor immediately.
3. How to Reduce Fever in Babies 6-24 Months
How to reduce fever in babies 6-24 months with a body temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius, including:
- Give ibuprofen at the right dose according to the label directions
- Do not give aspirin to infants or toddlers
- Call your doctor if the fever doesn't go down within a day.
4. How to reduce Fever in Children's Aged 2-17 Years
Handling of edema in children aged 2-17 years with a body temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius can be done in the following ways:
- Take the child to rest
- Give him water to drink so he doesn't get dehydrated
- If the child does not have comorbidities, paracetamol or ibuprofen can be given according to the recommended dose
- Never give aspirin
- Check your child's body temperature regularly
- If the fever does not go down within 3 days then you should immediately be rushed to the hospital.
5. How to Reduce Fever in Adults
How to reduce fever in adults is not much different, namely"
- Enough rest
- Sufficient body fluids to avoid dehydration
- Wear comfortable clothes
- Soak in warm water to relax
- If you need medicine, you can take paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin in an adjusted dose and take it regularly.
- If after taking fever-reducing drugs, the fever does not show good signs, immediately consult a doctor.
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Causes of Fever
How to Reduce Fever
How to Reduce Fever in Babies Aged 0-3 Months
How to Reduce Fever in Babies Aged 3-6 Months
Symptoms of Fever