Do Sit Ups Get Rid of a Distended Stomach? This is the Fact

Do Sit Ups Get Rid of a Distended Stomach?  This is the Fact

Rp_News88..Some people think that the sit-up exercise technique is an effective way to help flatten a distended stomach and burn fat in the stomach. Do sit ups get rid of a distended stomach?

However, many health experts say that this is just a myth. So far, there has been no research that states that exercise by targeting these body parts can burn fat in these parts specifically.

The reason is, sit-ups are great for strengthening the abdominal and lower back muscles, but have no impact on body fat stored in these areas.

This movement can strengthen and tone the rectus abdominis or the muscles that make up the abdomen and the transversus abdominis or the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Doing sit-ups alone will certainly not help to get a flat stomach. Sit-ups do not target the stomach specifically, but can help lose fat throughout the body.

Doing moderate-intensity sit-ups for 10 minutes without a break can burn as much as 60 calories, citing the Times of India. Body weight also has a big role to play.

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If you weigh less than 68 kilograms, you will burn fewer calories in the allotted time. If you weigh more than 68 pounds, sit-ups will burn more calories if you do seven sit-ups in one minute.

To reduce belly fat requires a disciplined regime and dedication of some balanced exercise. So, if you want to lose belly fat

the first thing to do is include lunges, leg raises, twist crunches, and reverse crunches in your workout routine.

Don't be too strict with yourself in the beginning. Start gradually and work your way up to the number of lunges and crunches you do. Don't forget to do a light warm-up before starting the exercise.

To burn belly fat, it takes 45 to 60 minutes of high-intensity cardiovascular activity such as running, playing soccer or basketball, jumping rope, and walking most days of the week.

You also need to reduce your intake of processed foods, fast food, and alcohol. So what do you think, do sit ups get rid of a distended stomach?

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